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The Wonder Years – You Made Me Want To Be A Saint

12. November 2017 674 Keine Kommentare


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The track off of The Wonder Years’ latest album, ‘Suburbia I’ve Given You All And Now I’m Nothing.’

It was how Dave said “us” like the last three years had never happened. It was how George walked down and threw dirt onto the casket. It was how I know you would want this to be a fast one and not some cliché ballad. I’m slowing down in the August air. A heavy heart and shaking hands carried you up here. I buried half of a decade there. It was the better part. You’d catch the reference if only you could hear because I can still hear you in the bass drum beat after “I’ll Catch You.” I’m left wondering if you meant anything when you typed out “You never got me down, Ray. I never went down.” You know the fucked up part is I kind of always knew we’d have to write a song about this. You know the fucked up part is, I had my fingers crossed that it wouldn’t be for you, kid. You know the fucked up part is, it’s been months, and I still have nightmares. You know the fucked up part is I’m never going back there. You know the fucked up part is the fuckedup part isthefuck edup partisth efuckedu ppartisfuckfuckfuck.

Pop Punk

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