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Graduating Life "Family Reunion"

26. April 2019 572 Keine Kommentare


Graduating Life – The metal and rock music portal for immortals! Bands, Artists and more. C’mon and take a seat on the train to


“Family Reunion” lyrics

You’re making me sick
You’re making me anxious
I wish I could think of some reference to tie in my head is coming under distress why can the kids who sat and judged me now cling to all their lovely little things and claim they’ve always been saints I don’t buy a word they say I don’t buy it
So crawl back into a hole
And convince yourself you’re so lovable
You’re all so good at that

My father’s father died before him and his father’s father before I’d hate to break the chain
There’s nothing complex about my traits, history projects I’ll die alone and overweight not a mistake
You think you’re better than me? I swear I could cut off my whole family, always loved them but definitely always more concerned about my well-being
Know what I mean?

I’m not the article you share without reading the whole page
Every detail about me is grueling and I hope to keep it that way
so set the stage then dim the lights cause I wanna make this dramatic to add validity to all the feelings I’m left with

And as these thoughts rattle in my brain for what seems like my whole life
I’ll never get a grasp on what my family could have been like
It’s all so repetitive
Am I ready for the death of it
Grandma you’re dead and you’ll always will be sorry dad didn’t respect you you know it kills me
Your husbands still alive and yeah he’s losing his mind bit by bit I think dad feels it mortality and regret and I can feel it too

Waiting for it


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