Sleep Talk – The metal and rock music portal for immortals! Bands, Artists and more. C’mon and take a seat on the train to
Taken from Sleep Talk’s upcoming album Everything In Colour, out May 3:
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It’s all the same to me
I’m sleeping in a dream
Over and over
Repetition my only friend
Floating around the deep end
Its all the same to me
I’m sleeping in a dream
As time ticks over
Over and over
Repetition my only friend
Floating around the deep end
Stare into the bottom
Question what I see
Sell myself to you
I’m sleeping in a
Sell myself to you
Sell my soul to this
watch me waste away
I’m sleeping in a
Sell myself to you
Sell my soul to this
watch me waste away
its all the same
Its all the same to me
I’m sleeping in a dream
This haze grows colder
As time ticks over
sell myself to you
sell my soul to this
watch me waste away
I’m sleeping in a dream
The loss is so strong
Its been there all along
The labours of my love
Is it worth it
When push comes to shove
The labours of my love
Sleeping in a